The Monkey Class
This class is for those who are three years of age at enrollment. The student will be exposed to a variety of play-based educational projects, activities, and props. The day will begin with a group circle to read a story, questions and songs related to the story along with the day’s weather, classroom job assignments, a Bible verse that coincides with the week’s theme, the Pledge of Allegiance and morning prayer. Afterwards, the children will have a restroom break, morning snack, recess, a class activity, free-choice play, and small group time with their teacher. Students will eat lunch with their classmates, nap or rest, have an afternoon snack and free-choice play & recess. Please see the family handbook for an in-depth look at enrichment and special activities.
Developmental Goals:
- Name like beginning sounds
- Knows difference between words and pictures
- Retains new information
- Asks questions
- Recognizes name in print
- Answers simple story questions
- “Writes” in linear fashion, attempts to write name
- Takes pride in work
- Initiates conversation
- Follows oral command with some reminders
- Counts 1 – 10, identifies 0 – 5
- Sorts, names some shapes, names what’s missing
- Knows basic needs, explores motion & forces
- Knows harmful actions, follows safety rules
- Offers ideas
- Stand on tiptoes, stands on 1 foot for 1 second
- Copies circles, makes cuts on paper with scissors
- Makes eye contact & separates from adult
- Claps for peers, names emotions
- Puts on own jacket
- Takes turn, plays with more than one peer
- Accepts adult assistance
- Uses manners and respects others’ property